WE SELENIUM 908 (2000PPM) 50#

WE SELENIUM 908 (2000PPM) 50#

Calcium Carbonate, Sodium Selenite and Mineral Oil. ______________________________________________________
Directions for Use: To manufacture a premix containing 272.4 mg/lb (600 ppm) selenium,
include 600 lb per ton of Wilbur-Ellis Selenium 0.2% Concentrate Premix. Selenium May be added to Cattle, Sheep, Swine, and Poultry feeds at rates NOT TO EXCEED 0.3 ppm
(Parts Per Million) in the complete feed (total ration)by adding at least one pound per ton of
premix containing no more than 272.4 mg/lb (600 ppm) selenium.
Selenium may be added to salt/mineral mixes for beef cattle at rates NOT TO EXCEED 120 ppm and
intake limited to no more than 3 mg Se per head per day.
Selenium may be added to salt/mineral mixes for sheep at rates NOT TO EXCEED 90 ppm and intake
limited to no more than 0.7 mg Se per head per day. ________________________________________
CAUTION: Follow label directions. The addition to feed of higher levels of this premix containing
Selenium is not permitted.
1. Store in a clean, dry area.
2. Do not breathe Selenium premix dust or expose to unprotected skin.
3. Take necessary precautions not to cross contaminate unsupplemented
4. Restrict use to responsible individuals.
5. Destroy empty bags - DO NOT REUSE.




Part Number: 02601009

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